Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Crucible Cast

Reverend Samuel Parris: Alan Rickman
I picked him because he would be a spectacular clergyman and religious leader. He is a very serious actor which makes him perfect for a puritan religious leader.
Tituba: Viola Davis
I picked her because she is good at playing the role of a maid/slave. Her way of showing emotion is sincere and would work well for this character.
Abigail Williams: Katie McGrath
I picked her because she can be very sneaky and deceitful and that is how Abigail is. Katie is positively perfect for this role.
Thomas Putnam: Patrick Dempsey
I chose him because he could play a good wealthy landowner.
Goody Ann Putnam: Kate Winslet
I picked her because she is good at showing differing emotions and she looks like a wealthy land owners wife.
John Proctor: Johnny Depp
I picked him because as an actor he is a genius and could play any role. He is the type of guy that would attract the attentions of a young woman.
Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Jennifer Love Hewitt
I picked her cause she could play a role of the jealous wife. She is great at using her eyes to convey messages and she could use them to show her hatred toward Abigail.
Mary Warren: Emma Stone
I chose her because she is the right age and she is really good at throwing herself completely into a character.

Goody Rebecca Nurse: Julie Andrews
I picked her because she is a sweet lady whos seems like she could be the mother of many and handle it with a smile. She is good at playing a serious role.
Reverend John Hale: Nicolas Cage
I picked him because he is an actor who does very well playing the role of someone who is an expert in certain areas.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
• I was in kindergarten
• I became a big sister
• I was six years old.
• I was playing with barbies and dolls.
• I was loving my teddy bear.

5 things I was doing 5 years ago:
• I was in 5th grade.
• I was moving to a new house.
• I was busy making new friends
• I went to Alaska.
• I was babysitting my cousins.
5 things I was doing 1 year ago:
• I moved.
• I was teaching another really great group of sophomores.
• I was learning to not hate running.
• I was finishing junior high.
• I was enjoying playing flute.

5 things I was doing yesterday:
• I was at school.
• I was going swimming.
• I was getting ready for my dads birthday.
• I was doing homework.
• I was watching a little "Raising Hope."

5 snacks/treats I enjoy:
• Chips and salsa
• Cream puffs
• Chocolate covered pretzels
• Cookies
• Veggies and dip

5 songs I think know all the words to:
Anything country!
Man in the Mirror (Michael Jackson)
• The Friend Song
• Anything by Adele
• Just about any Christmas song

5 things I would do with $100 million:
• I would buy a car.
• I would buy a house.
• I would lock several million up in savings.
• I would buy my parents a car.
• I would take my family on vacation.

5 locations I would like to escape to:
• New York City
• California (Disneyland)
• Las Vegas
• Alaska
• Anywhere the cruise ship takes me.

5 bad habits I have:
• I leave my shoes wherever I take them off (which is everywhere in my house).
• I crave the most unhealthy foods on the planet.
• I want to drink soda more than I want to drink water.
• I procrastinate.
• I love to sleep in.

5 things I like to do:
• I like to jog.
• I like to shop (but not buy).
• I like to play the flute.
• I like to swim.
• I like to watch funny movies.

5 TV shows I like:
• Modern Family
• The Office
• Without a Trace
• Ghost Whisperer
• Raising Hope

5 biggest joys at the moment:
• My family
• My future plans
• Exercising
• Thinking about band tour
• Thinking about winter vacation

I’m happiest when … I am spending time with the people I love.

Someday I’m going to …
be a little more brave.

When I’m really down, what I want to do is … just have some time to think, and cry.

I feel anxious … right before a test.

I like people who … are down to earth.

All it takes to make me happy is … to make sure I have eaten and slept well.

What I really want to do is … go on a road trip.

I wish that … I didn't have so much homework.

I don’t like when people are … selfish.

A person really should ... be happy.

I just hate it that … somethings take so long.

I just love it that ... there is a 3-day weekend coming up.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

5 Favorites

1. Sport- Track
2. Movie- Life As We Know It
3. Food- Salad
4. Game- Apples to Apples
5. Hobby- Band and Swimming