Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Crucible Cast

Reverend Samuel Parris: Alan Rickman
I picked him because he would be a spectacular clergyman and religious leader. He is a very serious actor which makes him perfect for a puritan religious leader.
Tituba: Viola Davis
I picked her because she is good at playing the role of a maid/slave. Her way of showing emotion is sincere and would work well for this character.
Abigail Williams: Katie McGrath
I picked her because she can be very sneaky and deceitful and that is how Abigail is. Katie is positively perfect for this role.
Thomas Putnam: Patrick Dempsey
I chose him because he could play a good wealthy landowner.
Goody Ann Putnam: Kate Winslet
I picked her because she is good at showing differing emotions and she looks like a wealthy land owners wife.
John Proctor: Johnny Depp
I picked him because as an actor he is a genius and could play any role. He is the type of guy that would attract the attentions of a young woman.
Goody Elizabeth Proctor: Jennifer Love Hewitt
I picked her cause she could play a role of the jealous wife. She is great at using her eyes to convey messages and she could use them to show her hatred toward Abigail.
Mary Warren: Emma Stone
I chose her because she is the right age and she is really good at throwing herself completely into a character.

Goody Rebecca Nurse: Julie Andrews
I picked her because she is a sweet lady whos seems like she could be the mother of many and handle it with a smile. She is good at playing a serious role.
Reverend John Hale: Nicolas Cage
I picked him because he is an actor who does very well playing the role of someone who is an expert in certain areas.


  1. I think your choices are very interesting. I wouldn't have done most of them. But I can see how they could work.

  2. I like who you chose for reverend Paris. I also like that you used Johny Depp, he's an amazing actor.
